See what God can do
What couples are saying:
The course is an exquisite blessing! The facilitators speak from the heart, describing several applications of scripture in marriage and family life. The content is also very well organised with key takeaways, time to reflect, anchor scriptures, engaging questions and lovely prayers to end. As members of the marriage ministry in our local Church, we feel incredibly blessed to have encountered this course through which we are consistently enriched. We thoroughly recommend it and pray every blessing for all facilitators and persons involved in bringing it to life. God bless you tremendously.
We thought it was well described and very clear. Dave and Sherry are excellent speakers and really make you understand how GOD is REAL to us. We enjoyed and loved this first Lesson. Thank you.
I always thought I have to strive for that oneness. Thank you for showing me I just have to understand God’s view of oneness and allow Him to direct us.
Now, we talk anyplace, anywhere in the world for any couples for them to see this, and experience their marriages are transformed. That, indeed there is hope for marriage.
Why is this course different?
We are offering our 12-week video course (valued at $250) free for a limited time. Sign up today.
Why is this course different?
We are offering our 12-week video course worldwide. Sign up today.

What is Married for Life?
Around the world millions of couples have experienced the transforming power of God in their marriage and family through Married for Life. For 12 weeks powerful Kingdom principles are shared, not by credentialed teachers, but by ordinary couples who have experienced that transforming power.
Jesus is the One who changes lives, and when couples live and model transparently what He is doing in their lives, He receives the glory. These amazing couples are ordinary people, but what God is doing through their lives is far from ordinary. Their stories are extraordinary examples of modern-day miracles happening every day in homes around the world.
12 Sessions to Discover the Power and Purpose of Marriage
- What is the foundation for marriage?
- What happens when two become one?
- Has God designed different roles for husbands and wives?
- How does what you say and do today affect tomorrow?
- What powerful words can bring healing?
- Why is what you see not as important as what you don’t see?
- What is the most intimate activity between husband and wife?
- What do you need to do before you can agree as husband and wife?
- Is intimacy just another name for sex?
- Is there a way to fight together powerfully?
- Is total transformation possible in a marriage?
- How do you make the most of being one?

Become a Facilitator couple
Want to become an MFL video class Facilitator couple?

This is your opportunity!
Facilitator couples do not have to teach the lessons. The video does that for you. Your important role is to encourage the couples in your group and engage them in discussing what God is doing in their lives as a result of what they are experiencing. You facilitate their journey through the life-giving principles of Married for Life.
It is an exciting way to make a powerful difference in marriages. Activation is free and tailored to your busy lifestyle. Let us hear from you today.