the Video course
What makes this course different?
There are many exciting aspects to the Married for Life video course.
Each session a new principle is taught by a couple who has lived it!
Designed for You

Ends February 1, 2021
Our free course offer will coming to an end February 1, 2021. Those who register before February 1 will have 90 days to complete the course free of charge.
Although this option does not include a Facilitating Couple, if you need help along the way, you may contact 2=2 leaders in your area..
This option includes the 12 video session of Married for Life and a downloadable Daily Journal.
Facilitated Group

Beginning February 1
After February 1, 2021, there will be a fee for registration. When you register for a course you will be included in a facilitated group. A 2=1 Facilitator Couple will guide you through the anointed teaching and sharing of each video. This is the absolutely best way to receive the course.
Your Facilitator Couple will be there to answer your questions, to pray with you, or to help you through challenges you may encounter.
This option includes the 12 video sessions of Married for Life and a downloadable Daily Journal for each couple.
What you can expect
Facilitated large group

In Development
In the days ahead couples trained as 2=1 Facilitators may choose to facilitate courses within their church, within their company, or within an association or ministry – any location that could accommodate a larger group than a home could.
This option will include the 12 sessions of Married for Life video and Daily Journals to accompany the video series.
We will give you updates as this develops.
You will download a Daily Journal to follow along with the course
Your Daily Journal
Your Daily Journal provides an effective way of interacting with each other as a couple daily. Here is a sample page from Session 6.

What did You Get?
As you watch the sessions and share together in Your Daily Journal, we encourage you to look for one of the following:

Lightbulb – suddenly you see something you have never seen before, you get a new revelation
Question Mark – there is something you are questioning, something you didn’t quite understand or want to know more about
Arrow – something pierced your heart, really hit deep within you
Ear – you heard something that you want to share with someone else
This method of qualifying your reaction was developed by Tony and Felicity Dale, founders of House2House.
At the bottom of each page in your Daily Journal there is a reminder to share if you received something. Each week as you discuss the session, keep these four symbols in mind.

The first beta group of Married for Life video
We are so grateful to these video pioneers who helped us develop and refine the 12 video sessions.